
Photo of a walking trail, surrounded by trees with large canopies.

Walking down the aisle—
birds sing, twigs crunch underfoot,
to wed adventure.


Close up photo of a golden retriever sitting in a balcony, looking down at the street.

All senses heightened,
staring down a corridor—
child awaits her mum.

Problem solving

photo of a person's hand on a laptop, with a black catch sleeping on the keyboard, its paw on the laptop screen

Cat and its human
solve all of life’s conundrums
just scratching at screens


close up photo of a Pomeranian looking straight at the photographer

Looks into my eyes
piercing deep into my soul;
a dog trusts purely


close up phot of a block cat with mustard-colours eyes looking sideways at the camera

Sheer indifference,
extreme passion, fierce hatred—
wordless, cats show all.