Liebster made my day. Again

I’m really overwhelmed by the affection that bloggers have for each other.

Marie, a fellow blogger and a friend (I daresay), has nominated me for the Liebster Award. I’ve already got this once, from another friend (again, I daresay) so I skipped the reading all the rules and pondering about whether or not to accept.

Thank you Maria, for appreciating my blog. It matters a lot more than I can say.


I’ve said my thanks once before, and I’ll take the liberty to skip the drama this time.

The rules, if you’re wondering.

  1. Thank the Liebster Award presenter who nominated you and link back to his or her blog.
  2. Post 11 facts about yourself, answering the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 questions for your nominees.
  3. Nominate small (no more than 200 followers) blogs who you feel deserved to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know that they have been chosen.
  4. Display the Liebster Award logo.
  5. No tag-backs, meaning you can’t just re-nominate the person who nominated you.

11 random facts about myself. This is hard. I thought long and hard when I had to do this last time. Now though, I guess I’ve got a pretty good idea as to what I can and shouldn’t say.

  1. The first few English songs I’ve ever liked came from the Backstreet Boys. And I’m still a fan. Together for 21 years. Massive feat.
  2. People stare a lot, but I like walking.
  3. If only Chennai’s streets were less intolerable, I’d get myself a bicycle.
  4. I hate telling people about myself – like for instance – now.
  5. I can (and do) stare at the wall for hours without speaking. With my mind totally blank. Beat that, ha!
  6. I enjoy being alone. Just give me a book and some good music, and I’ll forget everything else.
  7. I say “I don’t care” a lot, but I hardly mean it.
  8. The first, and only romantic novel I’ve ever read was, Love Story by Erich Segal. And surprisingly, I liked it.
  9. I always wanted to create a bucket list page here, but somehow, I kept forgetting – until now.
  10. I want to travel solo for some time. (That probably should’ve gone into the bucket list)
  11. I like dark chocolate.

Now, for Marie’s questions:

1. When did you start blogging?

Exactly on the 6th of August in 2012. I wrote a post welcoming myself to the blogosphere. It was the first time, (of two) that I wrote a few words in Tamil – my mother tongue. But in terms of age, I was 18.

2.Why are you blogging?

Because I have to. Writing’s a passion, and I was doing it regularly on my personal journal. But then I wanted feedback and appreciation, so I took it to blogging. I still blog because I still want feedback. And for the friendships I’ve made along the way.

3.What was your favorite subject in school?

English. I liked both the teacher and the literature.

4.Do you think cloning is ethical?

I never really think about it, but if I have to, then I’d probably say not. I’m having trouble digesting the observation that there are seven identical people in the word. Clones would complicate stuff. Besides, what’s the point of replicating one person, with all the faults?

5. Do you trust your government?

I don’t trust myself to talk about it.

6. If you could travel in only one continent, which would you choose?


7. Do you judge people by what they wear?

I try not to, because I believe that people always have the ability to surprise me. But sometimes, I find myself not liking people who sport odd nail colours. Like grass green for instance. Or sky blue.

8. What is the one thing you want to change about yourself?

Nothing. Happy as I am.

9. What is your favorite dessert?

Don’t take much dessert, but when I do, it’s mostly plain chocolate ice cream.

10. If you could have one super power what would you want it to be?

Flying. Always fancied it.

11. Who is your favorite writer?

I mix up the authors I read, so I don’t have favourites.

My turn.

  1. What’s the last book you read?
  2. Whose music do you listen to most often?
  3. How do you like your surroundings when you’re writing?
  4. What’s the one place you want to visit, but still haven’t?
  5. Name the one book you’ve read and reread over and over again?
  6. Have you ever stayed up all night working on a blog post (or many)? If so, tell us which one(s)
  7. What is your favourite/most common method of writing? (typing, paper and pencil/pen, smartphone)
  8. What is the one blog post that came out from your heart. And was so honest that you didn’t change much before publishing it?
  9. Which topic have you written most about in your blog?
  10. What’s your favourite beverage, hot or cold?
  11. There are loads of blogging services on the web. Why did you particularly choose, and decide to stay with WordPress? Any sentiments?

Here are the wonderful bloggers I nominate for the Liebster award. They are all great bloggers and I’ve personally enjoyed reading them.

  1. ‘R’ at The victim of my own body. Life can be chaotic. Here’s one who understands.
  2. Ranu at Ranu Chakraborthy Bhaduri’s Pink Cloud Monochrome.  If you like photos and monochrome, you’ll love Ranu’s work.
  3. My friend over at In search of lost muchness. I’ve never read anyone else I can relate to so much. And even if I don’t know her name, she’s great.
  4. Kimi at Hey there Delilah. Life throws a lot at you. Kimi takes them and writes about them.  (And I take it she likes the Hey there Delilah song. ‘Cos I do)
  5. Jill at Ripples of Truth. She’s bordering on 200 followers, but I guess it’s fine to nominate her. She’s that good a writer.

That’s all I have to say. And to everyone reading this now, thank you for coming back, every time. I appreciate it. A lot.

11 thoughts on “Liebster made my day. Again

  1. Congratulations. Checked out Kimi’s blog. Following it. Thanks for the suggestion. 🙂 It’s easier to have people I follow suggest who else to follow. 🙂


  2. thank you so much…this is my first Liebster nomination and it’s very exciting! You’ve also introduced me to a lot of good blogs in this post…Thank You 🙂


  3. Thanks you so much for this; its wonderful to have a pleasant surprise in the email inbox every so often! I’m taking the questions very seriously, so expect a very well thought out blog in a few days 😉 Oh, and as far as names go, mystique is really one the best things I have going for me!


    1. You’re welcome, you deserve it. And, you’re one of my favourite bloggers.
      I can’t wait to read your answers. I took a good long time to think of them. 🙂


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